All the parts have finally arrived, the machining is done, and the XY portion is all wired up. This is a temporary acrylic prototype to discover any loose ends before final design modifications and the real build in aluminum.
Tested so far:
- Duet3D Wifi - Huge fan of the hardware and the web interface!
- Linear bearings - we use these at work so I knew they would be great
- 0.9deg NEMA17 stepper motors for higher mechanical resolution
- Genuine Gates belts and pulleys.
- Optical end of travel switches. Specifically SUNX PM-F24.
- Fan ducts for hotend heatsink and part cooling
- PT100 sensor for the hotend.
- V6 hotend mount and heatsink ducting
- Design Z axis and heated bed
- Design electrical cabinet / wire routing
- Wiring for hotend, fans, sensors, LEDs (pcb?)
- Bracket for Bontech Extruder
- Filament Reel Mount
- Test polycarbonate fan ducts in close proximity to hotend for thermal issues (heat shield or insulation required?)
- Finalize Z stroke and source Z axis leadscrew and bearings
- Finalize enclosure size and panels
- Source aluminum components
- Build the final optimized printer design!
Here are some more various pictures of the progress: